..next stop..the engine room
..all those pretty "crystal clear" particles in
the water..where do they go next, Vernon?
well..I'll tell you..they pile up in the gut, that's
where they go. Found in huge numbers..in all kinds
of sizes. They appear to like to huddle up with each
other..like ice crystals sticking together to make bigger structures.
On the other hand, they might just start out
as a tiny particle..and just keep growing and dividing
their way into a cluster. Can't hardly tell yet. Need to
figure out some way to do some time lapse photo's while
the particles are in a suitable environment for their growth. Whatever that is .[Temp/humidity/pH/"fuel"/building materials]
I tend to lean toward the "the particles grow and divide and grow some more" theory, since despite being on very clean RO [reverse osmosis] filtered water having a purity
measured at 11 ppm [last nights 13 gallon end of batch reading] for over two months...my gut is still chock full
of particles. Have been taking activated charcoal for about the same length of time to adsorb whatever particles
it can. Prior to July, I was taking
Bentonite clay just about ever day to snag particles and fibers.
...and still the gut is full of ..particles and fibers.
Leaving me to suspect that the particles have established
some sort of "mOrg factory" in some biofilm, polysacharide
reinforced bunker...to endlessly replicate themselves in
huge numbers.
[..gotta be darn good quality bunker too...as those expensive "hi performance" enzymes I've taken for months don't seem to be doing much damage to it..]
The pretty fiber above, came from this tangle of fibers
that was extracted from stool.
[...SCIENCE! is not for the squeemish, Vern..it just ain't]
*note the scale change: fiber pic taken with a different
camera setup; the fibers were in the 20-30 mm length range
[about an
inch or so]
..the pic shows about 11 mm or so of the main tangle.