Re: RIFE, PROOF, and ELECTRICITY by Starstruck
I do not know the
Science exactly, but when you say Rife uses
light, I think that may possibly be inaccurate.
I think if you measured the electrical and magnetic fields
around one of his original Rife machines you would be
finding electrical and magnetic fields WAY more powerful than
anything related to ambient light. For instance they
had to shield their machines so they would not interfere
with radio stations.
Interesting information on electrical fields and possible
cell damage. It is definitely an area that I am interested in.
One distinction I have read about is ionizing and non-ionizing. Or electrical fields causing heat and those not.
One very huge variable is the resistance of the human body.
According to my physics book, it can vary from 100 ohms to
500,000, depending on conditions. And since Amps equal
Volts divided by Ohms (I think), there would be a huge
current difference depending on the bodies resistance.