Re: Sinus Parasites info?????? Please help!!!
I've started
The Master Cleanse (2nd time, last time I did a full one was about 5 years ago)
So we'll see if that helps to clean me out some more and maybe if I've got polyps or something worse in sinus it'll get eaten up during fast.
Or at least I'll have cleaned out some more so my next anti
parasite treatments will be stronger.
I've done humaworm and COQ10 megadose and a few years back colonix
It was pretty bad yesterday and I did sinus flooding with a grapefruit seed extract solution, distilled/sea salt/ one drop GSE
today is better but still feels fleshy crawly tingly stinging inside my sinus/ ear region on right side and a bit in the same spot left side sinus only, it seems it's the sphenoid sinus the one next to the outer part of your eye behind the temple.
So, anyway, we'll see what a good master cleanse does for this, I've had a few failed attempts, in that I did not make it all ten days, but after day 2 my sinus started to feel way way better so.....who knows what's in there, I'm hoping maybe I can just cleanse it out