I may be late responding but, I too am an attractive black female and it is very difficult. E-mail me sometimes at aKingskid82@hotmail.com or you can follow me on Twitter -aKingskid82. I need people that can identify with me as well some days are good and others are just horrible. It's hard to function and be comfortable with people who do not understand and probably don't want to understand our condition. We need each other. We can be each other's strength. Reach out to me anytime. I too have been a victim of extreme rejection at work/school/even my own cousins have picked at me. People think because I'm attractive with a descent job that of course I don't smell and it is so discouraging when they smell me and treat me differently. We are worthy of being treated with dignity and respect. I totally understand the leprosy issue. Sometimes I think I'm hearing things but, recently went to the movies and heard a guy say "Something stinks." and the two ladies behind me were holding their noses. It also bothers me to see people who think it's them that smells. It horrible watching people try to pretend like they're not smelling under their arms and acting strange just to find out where the odor is coming from. I'm like why don't you just sit still and focus on something else. That make me smell worse...the anxiety of it all. You're not alone!! Trust me...we all have our stories.
God bless and keep you!