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Re: Day 88!! YEOWSA!!

9 Day Juice Fast Kit
Juice fast without hunger.

pepe Views: 2,005
Published: 14 y
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Re: Day 88!! YEOWSA!!

Once you are past the 3 weeks it's a cakewalk. From you questions I sense "fear" and amigo that takes you nowhere. It really is not that big of a deal.  The biggest obstacle for me is keeping from getting bored with the routine. but so far I  keep finding ways change recipes add some things etc. I dunno how much weight I've lost but it is not as much as I thought I would loose. People that really need to loose lots of weight often loose as much as I've lost in 88 days in a month or less. When you fast the energy goes to heal what you need the most and very often it is not weight loss. As I said to you before that you are not going to think your way into this. This is not an "intellectual" exercise it's about the "doing of" and for that you need to get over the fear part. 

I felt that "maybe" there might have been a little muscle loss but I can't really tell cause it could just be fat around the muscle in anycase between my boredom needing a change up and my intuition pointed me to add Spirulina which by weight it has the highest protein content of anything else out there. I also added bee pollen which besides a crapload of nutrients also contains protein. Bout 2 weeks ago I also added Maca another souce of protein and a crapload of nutrients.It is an adaptogenic nutrient. Last but not least Lugols.

You are not going to intelletualize yourself into this. Just do it!!



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