I'm an old hand at long fasts having done over a dozen 40 day Master Cleanses over the years. I don't look for specific things. Generally things happens so gradually that you might not notice something till months down the road. My attitude is "Que sera, sera" (what will be will be) and just knowing that I'm doing a world of good. Having said all that what I will say that one of the main if not the main attraction of long fast is the introspection it afford you. The inner quiet, self reflection, the empowerment, the feeling of lightness. The rest are just pluses. Trying to "figure it out" is a total waste of time. Tain't gonna happen ;+D It's a waste of time cause it'll be what it'll be. Damn the torpedoes , Full speed ahead!! ;+D
Another important mindset to any form of fasting is that fasting is not "IT". It is just the "clean up phase" and the" real" benefits come >>after<< in what you put back in the system. Balanced nutrient dense nutrition and regular exercise is and will always be the main focus. Fasting is the "EASY" part ;+D