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Re: Can anyone explain?

The Home Doctor
Practical Medicine for Every Household

Cloves & Wormwood
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Re: Can anyone explain?

I have no explanation for how/why Hulda Clark came to contract and die from cancer and there's really no way to know for sure...perhaps she lived close to overhead power lines? Perhaps she had some parasite she didn't know about? I don't know.

What I've determined after studying and studying is that none of these experts has ALL the answers -- each contributes some important research and discoveries and you have to do your own research and compare the various experts' writings to see where your truth is.

With Hulda's work, for example, I'm a big fan of her Liver Flushes (will be doing my 3rd this weekend) and I believe she was about 80% right about parasites -- but not 100%. I don't believe ALL cancer is caused by parasites, although I'm sure some is. I wasn't sure what to believe regarding the whole zapper thing, but yesterday I determined that zappers are effective in killing some parasites. The way I determined this was that a few weeks ago, I used my mother's basic Hulda zapper a few days in a row prior to a scheduled colonic. At that appointment, the therapist pointed out 100's of tiny egg-looking things in the hose that carried stuff out of my body. This was my 3rd in a series of colonics and we hadn't seen anything like this from the others, but still, I'd been taking some anti- parasite herbs and wasn't sure the zapper had anything to do with it, so I stopped using the zapper after that.

Recently I ordered another zapper product that's supposed to help with candida and used it yesterday a couple of hours prior to my colonic. At that appointment, we again saw tiny parasite eggs coming out, although there had been no evidence of these in the other appointments between the prior incident and now. The only thing I can point to as to a reason has to be the zapper.

Now, I'm still trying to figure out this latest zapper and the seller is really annoying me right now, so I'm not sure I want to go on record by saying where I bought it because I may end up deciding to send it back unless I get some bugs worked out. But the point remains -- many of Hulda's premises are solid and work for me. Some don't. I don't have all the answers to the universe and neither did Hulda, but I do believe she was able to cure many people of serious illnesses, even though I'm sure she didn't cure them all, including herself.


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