I'm grounded every night. I got my sheet a week or two ago.
The screw stings plus the swelling still hasn't faded away, and I'm not sure how long it will take to do so.
One thing that really helps if elevating the legs and ice packs every 2 hours. I need to stay off my feet as much as I can at this time.
I think the Oxycodnone without Acetaminophen may be better. Acetaminophen may be quite bad for the liver, especially if taken for a long time. I plan to use this stuff for a few days maximum. I may change my mind and not take any of either tomorrow. I cat get relief from being on my bed grounded but the stinging is someone I need to tolerate if I do, and it's probably temporary. I've never taken many pain pills before - only for a day or two and at very low doses, like 1/2 a tablet.