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Re: The never-ending scalp itch
seek2clean Views: 11,903
Published: 14 y
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Re: The never-ending scalp itch

WOW - the power of xenoestrogens - be on the lookout!
I will be reading about this.
Okay now things are starting to make some sense - the choking episode was early into the furniture deal - week one - also MENOPAUSE occured that same week. STOPPED, in the middle of a period, never to be seen again... I was 50. I wonder if menses would have stopped so abruptly in an environment without xenoestrogens??

Oddly I have felt faint stirrings on occasion of uterine activity, as I have regained balance in my body - like menstruation trying to start again. The skin thing started on my back/neck during that year, crept into my scalp where it remains.

There were weird things at the same point in time like both pinky fingers were locked in a bent position upon arising in the morning. I straightened them, they would snap back to bent. This went on for months. Also, both feet felt like the soles had become really thin - like I was walking on bones with no skin, but I attributed this to the 7- 10 miles it took to walk the store selling furniture every day - literally walking my feet off. Then I fell '04, a month after the job ended, took the last antibiotic, and the rest is a nightmare I am happy to be waking from.

Rolling the camera back farther...
How does the body become and remain anemic for 30+ years from one round of Tagamet? Oh maybe because A DOCTOR also advised the antacid TUMS, said it was also a good way to get calcium - I popped way too many of those along with the other PHARMA crap, and oh yes, some Prilosec in '02 for profuse black, tarry inconclusive stools. Bwahaha THEY are NEVER touching me again!!!!....! This is year 7 with no prescription Pharmas on board - nothing but herbs and supplements.

I am SO grateful for the beautiful information available here, and also for the nightmare that woke me up... made me seek and take responsibility. Thank you Hv.



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