Re: The never-ending scalp itch
My neck/scalp started when I was Interior Design consultant in a large furniture store for a year '03/'04 - processed/displayed/sold lots of furniture and I knew we were in trouble as a country because the furniture industry had begun sending everything off-shore, only to return labeled Made In CHINA. Exposure to 10,000 sq.feet of Chinese made furniture is where the skin stuff actually started - at the same time Menopause, and episodes of not being able to swallow - choking on food.
If the products contained xenoestrogens, which is highly likely, this could have led to hypothyroidism that could account for the choking from a goiter.
Found a note on side of paperwork, yes Macrocytic Anemia. I have not taken iron supplements since pre-natal vitamins during 80's multiple pregnancies/hemorraging, so I must be bleeding...had duodenal ulcer in the 70's Wonderful Wino phase, fixed with tagamet. Suspect h. pylori/SIBO still - will try mastic gum when budget allows.
Actually your macrocytic anemia was likely a side effect of the Tagamet you were taking. Tagamet is a proton pump inhibitor, so it decreases stomach acid levels. This in turn blocks the absorption of various nutrients, including B12. B12 deficiencies can in turn lead to macrocytic anemia among various other problems.