Re: The never-ending scalp itch
Pardon the photos- took them myself. This is too embarrassing to get help with photography. I feel like a leper.The variety is amazing. i don't relate to welts with this - had raised hives as a kid - this is not that. The itchy can be a spot where nothing appears until I scratch the itch, like it is down deep and then surfaces, but MOST show up randomly with an obvious rough, crusty head that cannot be scratched off, or open. Occasionally minimal scratching produces blood, which reveals a crater. Some times a bloody ooze instead of a spot. No welting, even when I scratch.
This part sounds a lot like a staph infection.
Some itchy spots will stay for a long time, relentless - or can be crusty, white dot or cluster of dots, or a darkened patch with layers, and may eventually disappear leaving a white circular scar. It scars like active ringworm looks, but does not look like ringworm when it appears. Scars are white circles, dark center. The back of my neck is full of unsightly scarring - cannot wear my hair up off neck in public. Some of this in the scalp are gathered in clusters/tracks and never move - a group has been at the back occipital area for over a year, another cluster on the left side, bony ridge above ear also been there a long time, broken hair is from scratching, not from the crud - hair grows through it and around it just fine - others will pop up, hang out awhile and go away, only to pop up nearby. Behind ears is constant.
It took a long time for it to creep past the hairline - stayed off face for first few years, now can be found even on upper eyelids, travels down to shoulder blades, but never farther. I have very fine patch of villous hair at left temple, clearly beyond normal hairline, where a cluster of 6-7 white crusty dots lives and torments me. Another very dark patch at cheekbone in front of left ear has the layers and dry, white itchy and ever present. this is all non-greasy, no pus. The stuff in the ear cartilage has been slowly coming off in layers with rotating H202/diluted SSKI. Last week the ear lobe became swollen internally, hot, like infected and a new spot started on the soft lobe. I applied SSKI/ peroxide several times a day - the lobe is ejecting crap out of the spot, the spot comes off in layers, the crater is left and will probably scar like everything else. I find black specks and glittery stuff on my face frequently. Have pulled out of scalp what resembles collembola on occasion. I had a dowager's hump that is gone - same area of concentration at neck. Sometimes washing there produces dark crud on washcloth.
Rubbing, scratching these head/neck areas produces a clod of sinus junk that I spit all too frequently and cannot get the connection??? Do I have a severe infection??? Or Morgellons? How does rubbing my head make my sinus give out gunk? My sinus are not outside my skull....I do not have your expertise, but do have a background in anatomy/physiology, so this does not make sense to me, one who knows a tad about the body. How, why?
The rubbing and scratching would increase lymphatic movement, which would increase sinus drainage some. The other contributor would be the scratching could be stimulating a histamine reaction that would also increase sinus drainage.
I hear with all of this, all the time, every day, a crackling, crunching sound that is maddening, like popcorn sound the neck makes. My ears are blocked - too soft-spoken these days they say. LOL! Can blow through pinched nostrils and get the stuff to move and open briefly.
I included earlier posting in this thread, which outlines some chronology of life-changing stressful events, which occurred prior to, and at the onset of this:
Husband died of CANCER 2001 - got to see the AMA in actions - BASTARDS!!!!!
***2002 stopped drinking/sober still - Chinese Medicine Woman performed miracle with acupucture/herbal teas - ended lifelong asthma/allergies... no more inhaler/nebulizer*** I relocated, discontinued treatment...
have NEVER had an asthma or allergy episode since!(unless allergies have changed face??)
Menopause Nov.2003- without incident - no typical symptoms - menses just stopped!(NO HRT'S) Life-long migraines disappeared - HURRAY! I believe the teas and acupuncture on board during peri-menopause made the transition easier.
Spring 2004 - a face-breaking sinus infection (may still be there?)
A bad fall Dec. 2004 - knee break/concussion/antibiotic with 6 months crutches/cane - lack of mobility may have stagnated lymph. (That was antibiotic #52 - NONE since.)
Head injury was over-shadowed by knee. Skull plate shifted, eye socket changed shape - photosensitivity was actually my first symptom. I was better than I have ever been in my life right before I fell...(have not been that good since, close right now if it were not for this ITCH!)
May 2005 threw cane away, did major landscaping soil/sand/rock - built pathways to not fall down again and two strong knees!! Noticed CHEMTRAILS over Colorado, cat got sick - same skin stuff, almost scratched his face OFF - I got it next. He died a year later and I almost did too. With this came severe malabsorbtion, muscle wasting, weightloss, insomnia, could not urinate with any force, thyroid symptoms, diabtes symptoms, heart attacks, tinnitus, blepharitis, candida, parasites, Extreme fatigue, etc. A family split at this time did not help anything.
Creepy crawlers coming out my skin....I saved many.
Have you been anywhere that may have chiggers? Like Florida? Otherwise you can send a sample of what you have collected to the Smithsonian Institution for identification.
Had HOT, painful kidney or liver around this time, night sweats, woke at 3a.m. to urinate every night. stinging, itching, ears, nose, anus.
Oddly, my vagina is the only place on my body that has had no trouble since Menopause!!?? LMao ...
Had tubal ligation 1989 - everything else intact. Could never take Birth Control Pills, tried briefly in 1971 and again in 1980 - had bone marrow issues quickly - docs said none for me - I am the potential stroke victim. Had Copper-7 IUD for 7 years.
I found CZ 2006 - fixed MOST of this over the years - still deal with internal bugs - have definitely gotten rid of tapes, flukes, and another I cannot i.d. - or at least lightened the load. But, I NO LONGER have heart episodes, or tinnitus, or muscle wasting, or weightloss, or extreme fatigue, or....
I submitted to blood panel and colonoscopy in 2008/2009 - showed anemia B-12/folate, slightly elevated eosinophils, Colon POLYP 2.5 cm removed/minimal diverticuli. My four healthy, breastfed, grown children made me do it, to ease their fears. (I gave birth to three in three years in the 80's - was anemic then, could this have contributed to anemia now?)
There are various forms of anemia with various causes. It would help to know more about what form of anemia they found.
I have done NONE of the AMA Pharmas since last '04 antibiotic, after a life of amoxicillin, albuterol, ETC.
ALL that plagued me has become minimal, or gone away except for this scalp/skin thing - EMF's make it crazy, a bowel movement makes it crazy. If I stayed in a tub of Epsom, H202, borax, Acv it would never itch, but I have to come out some time...No oil, no tea, no anti-fungal, no natural antibiotic, no nothing makes it stop. It may be ongoing parasite, gluten? Maybe my colon is trying to tell me something. I am again giving the long version with as much detail as possible - to help you help me. I will take better pix if necessary.
It sounds like you have several different things going on. Again, part of it sounds like a staph infection. It is hard to say what the things crawling out of the skin are without pics or some other form of identification. It also sounds like you are having histamine reactions.
Thank you Hv - your methods are some of why there are NO LONGER as many problems. I have been reading, researching CZ since 2006 - tried many different things. My current routine is outlined in one of the threads I included. I have had a GREAT lot of stress in my life Hv, but have found a calm these last years, only interrupted by the insanely, endlessly, itchy scalp. There is no way to express my gratitude for CZ as a whole, and especially your help.
I have some recommendations for you. First of all the massive amount of stress will have taken a great toll on your adrenals, which in turn would increase the risk of histamine responses and will contribute to immune suppression. Therefore, the first thing I recommend is to focus on rebuilding your adrenal glands:
Adding some nettle leaf and coleus forskohlii will help even more to reduce the histamine response. Adding trimethylglycine (TMG) can also help with reducing the histamine response.
Send off whatever is crawling out the skin to get them identified.
You can also try applying a mixture of neem oil with a little coconut oil to the skin, which will help kill any skin parasites.
For the head and neck area, which sounds more like a staph infection, I recommend washing the areas several times a day with Betadine soap. You can also use powdered ginger moistened and applied to the areas for 20-30 minutes daily to help with reducing the scarring.
And finally I recommend 1,000mg of glycine 3 times daily at least 30 minutes before meals. This should help reduce the itching feelings and glycine will help with the healing process.