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Re: The never-ending scalp itch
seek2clean Views: 12,068
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Re: The never-ending scalp itch

Thank you Hv!

Staph infection is possible. I neglected to include my career as care-giver  - am doing good to get the aforementioned information lined out. Brain Fog took its toll and wiped out many months of my life - has been difficult getting back on track - wish I would have documented all this, but I had FOG - could not even read much less work a normal job at the worst of it. I have been a hospice care-giver throughout the last several years, just to ice the stress cake. One of my clients had staph, dressings changed on rotting legs every day by invincible me. They whispered MRSA around there - don't know for sure. I ignored it, did what I hope will be done for me. Hospice environment has been such an integral part of my life I did not think to include it??!! Not when there is so much communicable everywhere.

If there were a mean bone in my body I would wish brain fog on my enemies, but there isn't sooo... Laguna Beach, Ca. and Las Vegas, Nev. were my only trips in these last 9 years. However, my mother visited 2005 and her luggage in my living room right off a Vegas plane has always been an intuitive thought. Cat got sick next day and then me, the rest is history... some say her negative energy remained. I am familiar with chiggers - had them as a kid, scabies also - feels like chiggers or scabies, but does not behave like them. Chigger treatment was the first thing I tried when this started on neck - did not help. If it is staph why does it stay on my head/neck/shoulders?

The collection of creepy crawlers are, for the most part, past tense. I live near CSU - a  Colorado University with an Agriculture Dept. - have thought of taking my colorful samples to them, will consider Smithsonian. I have not extricated a menagerie in a while - they were present/part of the onset of all this.The black specks, glitter are current. Sometimes they come out of my nose when I blow. It feels like things are crawling beneath my scalp - sometimes in the quiet of the night, laying very still it feels like a very big thing starts roaming - could be wandering lymph?(That would be nice!) Also in my history is a father who died of a brain tumor at 57, my same age - a very large blastoma - so you can imagine my concern! They thought they were treating a sinus infection !!!!! They will never touch me with chemo, radiation!

The crap I get from sinus is curled up, wound up tight cottage cheese looking - or just a mass of slimey clear/yellowish - or out my nose comes rubbery white, occasional green chunks, bloody from a nose polyp I think, can feel it from the outside, like a rock in my nose. Sometimes sinus curled up junk will just fall out of my mouth with little help after a head scratching frenzy - definitely not lung junk. I do not cough  - at all.

Histamine reaction would be my favorite choice. As I mentioned, the lack of allergies/asthma is indeed miraculous, but I have wondered if I am simply reacting a different way now. Back to the lack of good immune from birth...I was so reactive as a young person I could have been the girl in the bubble. Although now I can put a lilac right in my nose,  pet a dog, walk through ragweed, live with dust, somewhere the allergies may be alive and well??? The EMF's making scalp crazy I sorta get, but the bowel movement crazy I  would love to understand?

Still have long-time broken molar/amalgam in my mouth, with more pieces coming off - may get that out asap - may get ALL teeth out? There are 7 more 60's amalgams in my mouth. i am less concerned about decades old mercury than bacteria. I hate the idea of dentures, but cannot afford the one tooth at a time thing either - this stresses me ! A dentist would say I have beautiful teeth worth fixing, blah, blah, but dentist doesn't have my budget (thank the brain fog). There is no coverage  for dental/medical in place of any kind - this helped me look for alternatives, which I find more valuable than my college education, but somebody has to fix or remove this tooth, where I am sure a pool of bacterial is all cozy.

I continuously see sesame seed type stuff in stools - almost daily for months, and actual worm/s periodically - flukes rarely now. Is my body getting rid of this stuff, or am I kidding myself? The magnitude of their ability to reproduce has me wondering if I need to to something Big to get them gone?

Will get Betadine/Ginger, Neem/coconut oil, Glycine, TMG going on.

I have NETTLES, LICORICE ROOT, AMLA  on board. ( I may not be taking enough of anything. )

I have Coleus, Bee pollen around here - will add to protocal again.

I will try to stop scratching my head, but it is SOOO itchy... if I have any stress right now my scalp is #1!!! The cumulative effects of endless stressfull life events outlined cannot even be calculated, much less the years before, but adrenal crash is most likely what happened when no bodily system was functioning well and death was near. Somewhere in the mid-90's I had a spell where I could eat and eat and never feel full, like there was a gaping hole in the middle of me - every exertion produced extreme fatigue, and I was wasting away. This subsided finally, followed by extreme vertigo for a couple years. I attribute that time to some serious adrenal/thyroid trouble. It was also the worst peri-meno phase.

I DO nOT have this same stress level these days. I have come from HELL circa 2005 to this level of peace/wellness, and am determined to become as healthy as possible nearing 60 years on this planet.

In 2002 early sobriety detoxing I had profuse(20+times a day! )black tarry stools episode for 3 months, while stool samples were inconclusive( how can BLOOD be inconclusive??This is yet another reason they don't get to touch me.)  Liver enzymes were amazingly normal at that time.

I have felt internal bleeds from time to time (not often)since then, sure enough shows up in stools.

I can scan the results of 2/'09 Blood/Metabolic Panel-4/'09 Colonoscopy-6/'09Gluten and other stuff, and P.M. them to you Hv - if those numbers will help. If I am reading some of this right it looks like I was tested for gluten, and it says negative, but you may see from these results what is escaping us all.

M.D. did not name a form of anemia, just that RBC's were too large and too few, and that injections were an option I declined and began methylcobalamin B-12, not knowing the full range of B's were necessary, so subsequent blood work 3 mths. later showed further loss. Since then ('09) I can tell by how I feel that keeping all the B's on board has made a difference. Everything you have suggested over the years has given me good direction, some about what not to do - so I guess I am not fasting, or flushing? I have gone from 105 pounds to 125 pounds @ 5'6.25" in last two years of working with your porotcals  - still pretty small when I used to be 5'7.5" and carried 140 pounds easily, but I am actually in good shape for one my age - friends my age are on 5-7 meds already, walking with canes, full of arthritis, stents, thyroids removed, etc. I refuse .... I am saying NO to heart disease, cancer, and the AMA, etc.

Thank you profusely ~









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