Re: juicers
I didn't say they "didn't work". I said they are "the least desirable" My take has always been that the best juicer is the one you have and will use but for informative purposes I believe folks should know the differences so they can make an informed choice with the best they can afford. In actual tests and I wish I had the link, centrifugals always rated the lowest for amount and nutrient contents of all the juicers but it still beats the hell out of processed foods or a McDonalds hamburger ;+D I am of the same mind when it comes to organic vs non organic vegs. One does the best they can or can afford.
For those on limited budgets myself included you can always buy used. In the States Craigs list, or bulletin boards in HealthFood stores are a great source for used juicers. I only payed $100 bucks for the current Omega I own which is only $20 more than you spent for a new centrifugal. My other juicer is a Champion which are heavy indestructible beasts and I also bought that used like 20 years ago for $75. It has worked for the last 20 years with a minor part replacement and it worked for 20 more before I bought it cause when I called Champion to get a replacement part and they asked for my serial # they told me mine was built in 1959!. While Champions are better than centrifugal. The leap in quality of the juice when I bought the Omega was very significant, particularly with leafy greens. The first few weeks of my current juice feast I started with the Champion cause a part on my Omega broke and I was pretty happy till I got the part from Omega and man what a difference. Buy what you can afford but know that it does make a difference in juice quality.
I can also speak of centrifugals from personal experience as I burned up 2 before I bought my Champion and when I did that it was a big difference in juice quality. The bigger quality leap was from the Champion to my current Omega 2002. Neither the Centrifugals or the Champion will do Wheatgrass and because both the Champions and Centrifugals fast spinning rates they both somewhat heat the juice and also introduce oxygen which increase and speed up the oxidation process and the juices will not keep long at all before they start fermenting. Regardless of which juicer one uses it's always best to drink ASAP but with the slower auger juicers one can make batches that can be kept in the fridge for like 3 days. This is a very important advantage with folks with busy lives or those too sick to make their own juice and some else is making it for them.
As the song sez "If you can't be with the one you Love. Love the one you're with.................................;+D