I have a spinning basket juicer and I love that thing. It isn't perfect, true, but what you can do is just re-juice the pulp a time or two and it gets most of the juice out. I've used it for all of my green juice fasts.
I've heard a lot of people talk bad about these juicers but they get the job done. The way I see it is that a lot of people who desperately need a juice fast for healing could not afford a 2-300$ juicer. I've always worked minimum wage jobs and I think my health would probably be in a far worse state right now had I not bought my 80$ juicer when I did. A lower quality juicer is better than no juicer. And anything you can make juice with, you can use to juice fast.
That said, naturally if one can afford a better quality juicer without financial stress, I say go for it. I just didn't want anyone to think the cheaper kind didn't work.