I've never heard of Phillips juicer so I can't comment but what I will tell is that the centrifugal juicers (the ones with the fast spinning basket) are the least desirable. They don't do well with leafy greens and green juices are the most beneficial when feasting/fasting. They also don't do well with soft fruits. The better ones are auger driven and spin slowly. I would suggest you look at the Omega 2004. It is the most economical auger juicer I know of and the one I use. Omega makes very good juicers and have great costumer service. The O 2004 has a 10 years warranty.
I suggest you browse through this forum and use the search function on the top right for lots more info. I have posted a number a great recipes recently.. I am currently on day 41 of 92.
The suggested way to do the MSM is to mix it in a liter of water with the juice of half a lemon. I would suggest Hemp oil as it has the same ratio of omega 3 and 6 as the human body. I like the taste so I just take a couple of tablespoons straight chased by juice