Re: One last time please...
Yes, it has been a lot!
I have become a stronger individual for it - more determined to eliminate stress and any unnecessary chaos - especially with supplementing. For a long time I had not added calcium of any kind since the ML days - recently tried calc. citrate to help with possible lead mobilization and stopped in less than a week - made me very tense. I am better with straight magnesium malate powder.
I know I have an ongoing
parasite problem - killed alot of tapes, flukes in the past-seeing flukes again lately, wearing noxema in my panties for pins. I have looked at bloodroot in the past - seemed extreme when I was very ill, but may be okay now. Every few months I do
Wormwood combo, but maybe need to do continuously for a couple months. Maybe I see it wrong, but my body is getting rid of them, so I let it???
I love the
Iodine protocal - do tri-boron daily, as well as companions. I have betaine HCL - will try again. I like the beetroot test idea!!
I cannot find OT ascorbic acid, so will look online. Why is amla not good enough if it is most potent natural form?
I have a choice to see chiropracter or acupunturist right now. Flip a coin?