Re: One last time please...
"I cannot find OT ascorbic acid, so will look online. Why is amla not good enough if it is most potent natural form?"
Hi; the year before I got ill / hypo thyroid I started to believe in only natural supplements, and quit taking my daily 1-3 grams of ascorbic acid. I took quite alot of amla instead (3-6 grams daily); and after a while I started to have infections I didnt have when on ascorbic acid.
So my detox phase consisted of numerous infections; I started to take ascorbic acid again after approx 8 months on iodine; and the infections disappeared again. Havent had a cough or flu or cold since then.
Worth a try.
I do this in addition to 10 units of berries and fruit/veggies daily; still, for me the diet doesnt seem to have enough vit c, nor did the amla.
The same counts for vit B; I need the store bought type periodically, but not daily as the vit C.
I have bougth both ascorbic acid powder and capsules from Now food over there; it works well for me.