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Re: Ascorbic acid and baking soda?

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muzikl1 Views: 3,511
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Re: Ascorbic acid and baking soda?

Recently I have started experimeting with Baking soda and Ascorbic Acid, partly because baking soda by itself is not very tasteful, and partly I read somewhere that Dr Linus Pauling used to make a baking soda ascorbic acid concoction. Although I have not been able to find his exact formula.

In fact my online researching led to a website phkillscancer, and tv clip of a guy who had stage 4 cancer, and used baking soda successfully in his self treatment. He would mix it with Molasses. He also uses Arm and Hammer which has no Aluminum. He also demonstrates how to make his mixture. I agree with avoiding the Aluminum which is contained in baking powder which people may confuse as being the same as baking soda.

I also discovered a Doctor Simoncini on youtube, an Italian doctor who uses baking soda as a treatment for cancer. There are also filmed testimonails by his patients. He has written a book called cancer is a fungus, and you can also read about this on curezone, the blog by Tony Isaacs on Baking Soda. The theory is that cancer grows in acidic and oxygen deprived enviroments. By taking foods and supplements that increase your ph to alkaline levels this can kill cancer.

When I first mixed the powders in a glass of water it immediately began to effervesce. It reminded me of something I drank as a child, Andrews Liver Salts.

The taste was fizzy, and pleasant as neither are tasty by themselves.

When I checked to compare the ingredients of Andrews Liver Salts it does indeed contain both ascorbic acid and baking soda and one other ingredient.

I noticed that ratio of ascorbic acid to baking soda is approximataely 2 to 1 in the ALS mixture, so I have adopted that ratio.

What I have noticed from taking this Ascorbic Acid and Baking Soda is that blood vessels that had become visible in my face began to fade away within 2 to 3 days, so it appears to have a cleansing antioxidating effect on the blood vessels. I also dip my tootbrush in baking soda before adding the toothpaste, and this greatly boosts the cleansing effect on the teeth.


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