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Re: Carbs, Fats, Proteins, Minerals, Supplements

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Re: Carbs, Fats, Proteins, Minerals, Supplements

Hey Scottie,

I started including fruit back into my diet lately, with feally good results. I think it all depends on where you are on the AF spectrum. Aren't you more high cortisol, then lo? I am in Stage 3, and older (56 years young). so I'm not sure if sharing my diet plan would work for you, but I'll give it a go.

I found out after burning alot of midnight oil researching, that some of us Stage 3 AFers might be doing ourselves a tremendous disservice by staying away from the fruit, starchy veggies & carbs in general. I noticed the more I stayed away, the worse my hypoglycemia got. I started reintroducing mashed potatoes (with milk, butter and salt) back in with interesting results. I've noticed the more fruit and starchy vegies I included, the better I felt. I think because I was replenishing the glycogen reserves my liver was starved for. I can sleep almost throughout the night now, and am even getting a growly (sp?) stomach in the morning, instead of no appetite or nausea. I'm even getting more tolerant of the C's and other supplements I had to finally take a vacation from.

The way my meals look now are like this:

9 am: 2 eggs cooked in coconut oil, piece of Ezekial bread with either jelly or butter depending on if Im adding fruit (fruit would be 1/2 cooked apple or berries with yocheese) if your gluten intolerant, substitute potato oats or rice instead of the bread.

12 pm big green salad with 3 oz chicken, small apple cut up, homemade mayo, and veggies

3 pm piece of toast with almond butter and jelly or
cottage cheese with fruit

5-6 pm taco meat with veggies, and some brown rice or a baked potato and butter.

big thing is to try and focus on good carbs, the worst thing you could do is to avoid them, will make your adrenaline go higher without carbs to balance them out

I also try to include tuna once a week, and I also TRY to go to bed early tho it doesn't always work. In bed by 10 is best if you can.

Hope this helps,




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