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To Hell With My Sister and the Mother She Rode in On
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To Hell With My Sister and the Mother She Rode in On

About a month ago, I told my mother about my rape and all the details. My mom called me back from her house with my sister standing next to her--giving her conflicting information to baffle her and convince her I was lying.

I found myself in a situation where my mother had to choose to believe me and realize that my sister put me in a position where I was ultimately raped, or believe my sister in order to protect her. My mother chose to believe my sister.

My mother sat on the phone and said: "I remember you told me you had a new boyfriend and his name was R(rapist's name)." I couldn't believe my ears and felt my heart dropping. Then she told me that my story couldn't be true by claiming she was not living in the house I was bullied at during the time my sister began dating the scum ball who stalked me.

It reminded me of a defense attorney badgering a victim on the stand hoping to mix them up and make them look bad. I hung up on my mother and she left me a voice mail saying that my story wasn't true, but she wasn't mad at me and I should call her back. I will never call her back.

My sister has almost complete amnesia of any details. She doesn't remember the timeline she dated J, who bullied me at the time. Nor does she recall asking me to meet R(rapist), or driving me over to his house and leaving me there all night.

My mom and sister can rationalize all they want to make themselves feel comforted, but they cannot change the truth. Searching for holes in stories only works if the teller is lying. I know what the truth is. I was raped and my sister delivered me to my rapist. That's the truth and there is no changing it no matter how much they want to dream it away.

What a sorry excuse for a mother and sister. I have disowned the both of them. Good riddance!



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