Re: Question for the ladies on the forum
Feo, so happy to hear those Healing Codes are working for you; I definitely did see improvements in both my thyroid level #s and mood since using them, no doubt about it. My entire temperament has changed for the better, and I sure related to your story about losing saved work on your computer, and having an entirely different attitude then what you had formerly, LOL. I keep track by journalling the subtle changes.. sometimes even I don't notice, my husband has to tell me about them.
Thanks also for sharing about your Mom, except for the occasional textbook reference (sometimes easy to miss) it sure seems as though we've been left out in the cold where it comes to the tendency to have inherited our moms adrenal d/f. My mom was miscarrying all the time (lost 4 babies before me) and then went on to have both thyroid then female surgery, no surprise she suffered the AF just as bad, yet she is still alive and kicking too, and just turned 85 in March. Its great that you are also attempting to educate the rest of your family, I know if it were me I would want to know. (I kept my eyes & ears open alot of years when my mom complained, only wish I could've done more to help at the time). I did carry alot of guilt around after I had my kids (I suffered severe PPD after each including going hypo-t) and considered myself a failure a long while after mds told me it was "all in my head". Thank God the truth is beginning to come out. Even then I knew you don't just feel great one minute (in pregnancy) and rotten the next. Its all about listening to ones intuition (like I'm one to talk, I didn't either; retrospect is always 20/20).
Maybe your already familiar with this blogspot, but in case your not, this is for Feo and Anonalon, looks pretty up to date too: