WOW thanks for your response. I do think working would prob get my mind off of how I am feeling. Its just embarassing cause when I had the mirena in and my symptoms started to flare up a few times I cried at work, I looked like a total m*o*o*n. Before I had to force myself to cry at sad things, now I was crying for no apparent reason (really crying cause I thought I was going crazy) LOL At least those days are over. I think when I get back into it, it will take time but the routine will help me. As well i am going back knowing what it is! So there is some relief there. Thanks for your encouragement. Really helped!
PS About the acupuncture, I wanted to do a round at my naturopaths office and she told me we will wait. Doing one thing at a time. I want to do it all at once but i guess that isn't the way to do it.. It makes your system go into overload. Wanted to do a detox and again she said we are going to fix one thing at a time. Said most of my symptoms will dissapear when my hormones go back to normal so i am on a bio-identical progesterone (oral form) for now. She has 29years of experience so I must trust her.