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Uny-Can you answer?
udoknowjac Views: 2,647
Published: 14 y

Uny-Can you answer?


I am sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you would be able to give me a partial response to this post:

I am sure you are swamped and I know you will get back to me on the post as soon as you are able as you have always done in the past. I am happy to wait for your wonderful detailed response but I was wondering if you could just give me a simple answer in regards to the juice fast & cleanses? I am only asking now because on Monday I would like to start a juice fast and also my liver/kidney cleanses if you think it is alright. In my previous message I let you know my questions/concerns. As I said above I can wait for your more detailed response to my posts but for now could you give me simple response to know if I can start?

Basically I wanted to know if I could go ahead with the juice fast since I was not on the IF#2. Should I take charcoal/ Bentonite clay instead of the IF#2 as you previously suggested?

In addition while doing the juice fast I would like to do the liver/kidney flushes if you think it is alright? Does it matter if I do the kidney or liver first? I was thinking I would start with liver if it did not make a difference.

Thanks so much Uny. Again sorry to bother you,



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