Uny, Greetings Jackie!
I've combined your posts/questions & my responses below.
I just got back from the doctor and went over blood work that was done before my recent surgery. The good news that it was better than I thought it would be. There were some things such as my thyroid that were borderline but most things were okay or good.
'Sounds like a decent report...but then (of course) all labwork is based on the results of the 'average American' (yikes!) Thyroid testing = :::eyeroll::: these tests are very 'inexact' and it's really hard to determine a whole lot as far as 'solid info' from thyroid (and hormone) tests. Symptoms are our most reliable indicators for identifying specific compromise, imo. But since the body is a whole organism where every part/system/organ is dependent upon all the others, we need to treat the whole body to achieve health (but you know that already :)
But, it should come as no surprise there were issues with my liver.
:( No surprise for anybody that lives on this poisoned-planet with their liver running like there's a brick on the accelerator 24/7 for their entire life. Sheesh, newborn babies have been shown to have over 200 toxic chemicals in their blood (and that's with a placental barrier that we haven't had for decades!). At the very least, we all need to be giving our body/liver regular maintenance & support at least 4x yearly even if we have no 'symptoms'. I add 2T of Milk Thistle seed powder to my Superfood smoothie everyday 'just because' I lub my libber :)
He, like I think you do, feel that the drugs and such are the main issue.
100% agreed - drugs are main issue for liver (and the rest of the body).
He recommended that I do some liver flushes...what a great idea...lol
Am I reading/understanding correctly here? An "MD" recommended that you do some liver flushes?! WOOHOO! That'd be "one down - 15 zillion to go", eh? Who knows, a "few" may be starting to see the light! On Dr. Schulzes website, we find this info on his blog:
Also, note that on page 58, there is a letter I received from a medical doctor, the head hepatic surgeon at one of the biggest hospitals in the Los Angeles area, who used my 5-Day LIVER Detox effectively with himself and his patients, to remove gallstones, and avoided removing his patients’ gallbladders.
(here's the link for the book with the letter he mentions in the blurb above: https://herbdocblog.com/book-view/5/ )
The other main thing was inflammation. Inflammation of the liver? colon? other?
Would it be at all helpful for you to see the info? If so I can find a way to get you a copy. Sure, get it posted and I'll check it out if you feel the need...but, unless there's something odd/askew that your doctor didn't catch, it's likely the basic cleansing & restoring plan of action will be the same.
I know you are looking over the other issues and coming up with a plan for me. :::grin/wink::: I don't work 'like a doctor' - I do my best to teach and try to give suggestions based on what I know, and it's up to you/others to 'come up with a plan for you' :)
With gratitude, thanks :)
If possible I would like to start a juice fast the week of May 9th and was hoping to get some input from you in regards to some things I had previously posted about. I have not done the juice fast or liver cleanse yet because I want to make sure I am cleansing my colon correctly before I start. I would like to do a juice fast while I do the flushes but I was concerned because I was not taking the IF#2. I had posted before that when I started the IF#2 again at small doses per your thoughts below, it made me very bloated again so I was not sure if there was something else I should do for the cleansing.
Having done a few rounds of IF#2, there shouldn't be a huge "structural need to cleanse reason" that would prevent you from doing the 5-day liver cleanse and/or big flush (especially when you note below that you're having 2-3 bms daily). The rule of thumb has always been "do two weeks on the colon before starting liver/gb work unless there's a crisis/emergency - you've already done more than that.
When juice-fasting, it's always good to keep fiber in the colon to keep things moving 'normally' - the IF#2 with it's added bentonite/charcoal/pectin is also great for helping to soak up and adsorb toxins being released (and the drug/toxin residue that gets stirred up & released). At the very minimum, I suggest a teaspoon of charcoal several times a day when juice-fasting (it's soaks up gas, too)...but with diverticulitis, I think you need to mix it with some kind of fiber.
What causes bloating? Here's a good overview: http://www.holistichealthtools.com/gastro2.html ...although it doesn't address the 'decaying organic matter' and the fermentation of food as strongly as it could. Candida overgrowth is also an issue with gas & bloating - as yeast + carbs/sugar + fluid + warmth = fermentation = carbon dioxide/gas and alcohol. With all the antibiotics/drugs & constipation issues you've had, it's almost assured you have some level of Candida overgrowth (possibly severe) for a very long time. This constant low-level blood alcohol (and carbon dioxide, which is technically a poison that we eliminate through our lungs) from candida overgrowth can contribute big-time to fatigue & liver compromise (and many other symptoms/issues).
Cleansing is 'where it's at' for cleansing out the 'decaying organic matter' that nourish candida and ACV Bombs are great for killing them.
This was your previous response in regards to the IF#2 “You could replace the psyllium with something like oat bran and see how that works....and when you're stronger and 'more healed', you could do some 'aggressive work' by alternating a stronger blend of IF#2 (with more bentonite, less psyllium) followed by a colonic. There are plenty of options for the future :) For now, if you'd feel more comfortable just sticking with the IF#1, that's fine. Or you could take even smaller doses (like a heaping 1/4 teaspoon, instead of half or full teaspoons)...and 'test for bloating'. Or do a one week on, one week off kind of thing. With that hernia and weak abdominal muscles, it's tough to know 'what caused what' and why the bloating didn't eventually subside (it usually does) - and of course, when the liver is 'up to par' there's always much less gas, bloating and backfiring. I wouldn't stress over it right now; as long as you keep ensuring 3 daily bms you're not going backward and not causing any harm. It's just that we may need to get some build-up outta there in order to knock-back the migraines.”
And my response “I know I need to get some buildup out to work on the migraine issue but I am not sure what to do. It seems that either the CE's or the IF#2 cause bloating in me. You suggested making my own IF#2 in your post. I am not sure if that is what I should do now? You also mentioned later doing a stronger IF#2 with a colonic. To be honest with my diverticulitis issues I am not totally comfortable with the colonics. I feel there is a chance that all that water could cause another perforation for me. With all the issues I had in the past I do not think I am willing to take that risk. For now until I hear from you I think I will stop the IF#2 and see how things go.”
As far as 'bloating', this is a normal part of increasing one's fiber intake & cleansing (liver cleansing also contributes to gas); candida overgrowth also causes gas. It can be more difficult to deal with when there's build-up, crimps & crevices and lack of downward flow throughout the intestines. I don't know which of the many herbs/combos (including the Liver/Detox/Digestion tea) I've suggested that you've tried; if you haven't tried strong teas of them all, I'd be sure to do so.
Regarding fiber/gas - Insoluble fiber (does not dissolve in water) tends to create more gas than soluble fiber (dissolves in water). In the IF#2 there's both ground psyllium seed and husks (and flax seed, apple pectin and all the rest). The psyllium husks are mostly soluble and the seeds are around 1/3 insoluble fiber & 2/3 soluble (I can't find any 'solid' data on this, because the seeds usually come with the husks on them, so it may be more like 1/2 & 1/2 ???)
If you'd like to make your own IF#2 substituting rice, wheat or oat bran (varying levels of soluble/insoluble fiber) for the psyllium, the formula for the IF#2 is in the FAQs. It's certainly an option if you want to try it, but I don't have/know organic sources for any of the 'brans'. I'd test each of the brans (say 1/2-1 teaspoon doses mixed with water/juice for a day or two) to check for gas/bloating to decide which to use before mixing up an alternate IF#2 if I were you.
When eating/juice fasting, you want to keep the sugar/carb content as low as possible so as to not have as much fermentation/gas from the candida. Tart green apples are the best fruit, along with lots of leafy greens, celery, cucumbers - the beets & carrots are great for blood-building and nourishment (dilute them with around 1/4 water) and mix in plenty of greens & apples. And always remember "Chew your juices & drink your solids"! http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1460306#i
Firstly, as far as a colonic causing "another" perforation, according to the surgeon's notes in one of your first posts: “we could see a thickened area of the sigmoid colon with the firm area there appeared to be perforation….the left colon itself was full if very hard stool…” so we must always remember that it is very common for surgeons to write whatever best 'covers their butt' in their notes. The Hartman procedure you had is very risky - and once a surgeon opted to use it (for whatever reason, whether it was actually 'needed' or not, by allopathic standards), he'd have to 'cover' in the notes so he could "prove" it was an absolutely necessary choice if something happened. I'm not saying you didn't have a perforation, but even if you did (or have the same level of compromise that's leading to another possibly perforation), then we need to be more aggressive with healing/cleansing to make sure there's no repeat occurrence.
High enemas & colonics are two things that are commonly recommended for diverticulitis. Cleaning out & removing what is causing the problem is essential to healing it. Dr. Schulze would say that we can & should not be afraid of our wounded areas - those are the ones that need the MOST circulation, cleansing and attention. Of course, we can't be stupid, and when it comes to colonics you need to be sure to find a qualified & experienced therapist.
Here's a general Google search on: diverticulitis + colonics: http://tinyurl.com/3ka5jwy You will see that many recommend colonics for diverticulitis/osis and some recommend against (mostly allopaths that recommend against).
And here's a great page (by an MD) I saw when scanning through the search results: http://www.
Maybe you're not aware of the following (from the above link, "technique" section): The modern colon therapist will use an instrument that allows a continuous exchange of fluid in and out of the bowel, and irrigation. A qualified, experienced colonic therapist can easily control in/out flow of the water as to not create harmful pressure.
"As always, it's your body - so it's your choice. But if it were me, I'd do at least one/few colonics and if for some reason I didn't feel right about them, I'd switch to high enemas.
In addition, I read a post you made about cleansing and adrenals. The actual post was about doctors but it went into adrenal stress. I am pretty sure I have adrenal issues which I think are increased because of my recent surgery. I am wondering what I should do to cleanse correctly and in the right order to make sure there is no additional stress to my adrenals? Here is the post you made: http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1459793#i
Yes, when adrenal issues are an issue one should always be sure to cleanse & detoxify wisely. It's very hard on the kidneys (hence adrenals, and the rest of the body) to dump large amounts of toxins into the bloodstream. That's why the IF#2 (with the charcoal, bentonite & other goodies) is something I always recommend. Other than the IF#2, we need to ensure that what we're dislodging & 'loosening up' in our livers & colons is eliminated effectively. The CE's help our liver immensely to cleanse our bloodstream (especially while they're being retained), on top of helping to cleanse our liver.
With long-term candida issues, we can have the issue of low-levels of alcohol in the bloodstream for long periods of time...there are several cases of people with severe candida overgrowth actually being pulled over for drunk driving after a sugar meal/snack (and testing 'drunk' blood alcohol levels). Of course, an increased blood-alcohol level daily (of any size) would eventually cause all the typical symptoms/issue we commonly recognize - particularly liver stress. But what most don't realize is that alcohol 'overworks' -hence weakens our GABA receptors (which normally 'calm' our body/brain). So when we start killing candida the "die off" symptoms are typically very similar to alcohol withdrawal. Without the natural calming action of the GABA system, our adrenal glands are easily pushed into 'flight or fight'. So what you're experiencing may be a combination of both issues.
Kava root is VERY effective for supporting the GABA system (in fact, it's been clinically tested to be as effective as a benzodiazepine!). So that's something everyone going through candida die-off should likely have 'at the ready'.
Ashwagandha is THE best adaptogen for supporting the adrenals (and has an incredible array of benefits - including being great for hypothyroid (1T 3x daily). Dr. Christopher's Adrenal Formula is also very beneficial (2-4+ droppersful, several times daily).
So all that to say I am not sure what, if anything, additional I should be doing right now for cleansing my colon. In addition, is it alright to proceed with a liver flush now even though I am not doing the IF#2? Or should I do some other cleansing before I start one?
It's always best to have the IF#2 going when juice-fasting in order to provide fiber to adsorb toxins. Thousands of people have successfully flushed their liver without it (most, without any decent colon cleansing), and thousands of people have juice-fasted without it. I can give you information, but (I'm sorry) I just can't make decisions for your body/situation. If I were you, I'd likely choose to 'tough it through' the gas/bloating and do what Dr. Schulze did with virtually all of his patients (take the IF#2 daily during cleansing & juice-fasting)...and of course, I'd be trying every herb/food/charcoal I could to help relieve the gas.
In a previous post in regards to juice fasting you said “Whenever you juice fast (or fast in any way), the body starts dumping toxins from the soft/hard tissues...the charcoal/bentonite in the IF#2 helps remove those toxins from the bloodstream. So if you're not doing the IF#2, be sure to take around a teaspoon of charcoal 5x daily (and perhaps add 1/4 teaspoon of bentonite clay to that) while juice fasting.”
So can I go ahead with the juice fast doing the charcoal/ bentonite clay instead of the IF#2 as you suggested? As previously mentioned I would like to do the juice fast along with the liver/kidney flushes if you think it is alright? Juice-fasting is always a VERY strong & positive 'healing goodness', when cleansing or when not cleansing. I don't feel comfortable recommending 'mud & charcoal' (without all the additional fibers in the IF#2) to someone with diverticulitis. Although it'll work for adsorbing toxins, I envision it being 'clogging' and lodging into cracks & crevises.
Here are some of the things I have been doing: I am taking IF#1 and have been having 2 sometimes 3 bm’s daily. I am not really able to increase the IF#1 because when I do I get very runny stools, cramping etc. I have been doing CE’s about every other day and I am doing the liver drops. Okay. I suggest a CE every day...and I especially suggest that now that even your doctor is telling you of liver issues.
For the CE’s I have been doing 3T of coffee to four cups of water. I have been adding about 2T of catnip to this. I have also been adding a little Epsom salt as you had previously suggested. 'Just want to be clear on this (cuz I think I saw you mention it before) I don't ever "officially suggest" people use ES for anything - I mentioned it's an option that I've used and others use (but isolated minerals are not in the realm of truly natural health/healing). Since it can be very stressful to kidneys/adrenals, it's something to be very careful when using. No harm, no foul - just wanted to clear that up "for the record" :) Could you please let me know if I should continue this way or make any changes? In regards to the Epsom Salt I add a little at the end after it has simmered. I was not sure if it should be added before it simmered or is what I do correct?
That's fine with the catnip (more or less, whatever works for you is what is correct for you). 1T of coffee per cup of water is what I typically recommend, but 3T for 4 cups is also commonly recommended. As far as when to add the ES, just make sure it's dissolved is the only thing I know to say.
In regards to the bloating, while on the IF#2 it was pretty intense and almost painful. When I stopped the IF#2 it certainly improved but did not go away entirely. At this point I am not sure if this is from the surgery or from something I am taking or doing. Some days are worse than others but it seems to be increasing which makes me wonder if it is caused by something I am taking/doing? There is a buildup of fluid in my abdomen but at this time my doctor does not want to drain it. He is worried about possible infection if he does that. I thought perhaps the milk kefir might be causing it but I stopped it for about a week and it still continued. Could the IF#1, CE’s, or something else I am taking be causing it? I thought it might be a good idea to stop these things to see if the bloating decreased but I was not sure because I did not know if it might cause other issues by stopping.
Jackie, I realize this whole "being your own doctor thing" is pretty stressful for you (and many others) since most folks have been conditioned to be scared out of their wits to even consider taking responsibility for their own health & their own body. And I really do appreciate the 'stress level' that you/others experience. But I also think I know that you understand how the IF#1, CE's and anything else you're doing or taking works in your body. So if you want to stop them for a day (two/three) and see if stopping them eliminates the bloating, then do it! Just remember that it's normal to experience gas/bloating when cleansing the liver and colon...and it can takes months to get the job done. I alway know when my liver is 'overdue' for cleansing, because the daily CE's become harder to retain & they cause a lot of gas.
Fluid build-up after surgery could possibly/likely be seroma (see definitions below). If this is the case, you want to be supporting your lymphatic system via rebounding, dry skin brushing and lymphatic herbs (the best herbal combination being the Blood Detox Tincture).
Definitions of seroma on the Web:
Per your request I did send you the notes from my surgery. I checked them out and all is 'as you said', except he had absolutely no notation about 'stapling' or securing anything to your pelvic bones. Whassup with that, do you know? As always Uny I really appreciate all your help. I am very grateful for all you have done for me! Thanks tons - and "as always" (frustratingly), I apologize again for the huge delay in response time, and I appreciate your patience and forgiveness.
Blessings aplenty,