Re: my arsenal vs candida.
might be perhaps the wrong POV, I suggest you look into the Natural Healing forum, read all you can of the RRR'd messages, and work from there. Health is simple, but it seems complex, sure it does, until you see it from the correct perspective. Soemtimes it takes people getting near death to give up on the silver bullet ideas, the old ways of eating, or the one-cure supplement(s)...Or, the old "war against" idea, which only is one aspect of the whole picture, and a picture aiamed at YOU being a consumer forever.... I don't want to 'buy' such a view. Nor would I wish that on another.
I'm talking about freedom from 'consumerism', and esp. from the concept of needing another always, or several others, and theor products, to discern for one's self. I'm talking "Natural" in the truest sense. Not the "health food store" sense. You can regain your life.
check it out!
I wish you all health! All the best,