Did oregano oil it is a very spicy oil which can really irritate the GI tract if someone has leaky gut. Dont know if oregano oil kills friendly bacteria. It seems so strong that it would kill everthing in its path. I would like to see some research with oregano oil + friendly bacteria.
You dont want to do to much at once --it will put too much burden on your organs. Do the basic essentials, but only do enough to where your syptoms are tolerable, but not to the point where your miserable. Turmeric can be a little hard on the GI tract if someone has a comprimised digestive system. I tried turmeric and it gave me a really bad reaction. More of a GI irritant reaction than a die-off reaction. You need to test one substance at a time and see how your body reacts to it..keep a journal of each item. Any herbs or antifungals I try on a empty stomach and see how it reacts to my body. I do the same with food too. That way you know what to expect instead of guessing what is doing what.
GSE us a fungicide. So is garlic...
Lots that you can do, (no mystery) will straighten you out. (although, yes, Vancouver is moist) It does not need MD's
to tell you what to do..The terrain has already
been 'blazed'. Thank God.
"I went to a couple MD's that were baffled by what I was going through. One of them actually told me to take an aspirin."
Weird how that happens. I attribute it to karma. I went to one such "MD" in the midst of a low/frightening period, and she (recommended by a friend) informed me her husband often suggested to HER, to take some Tylenol, for whatever was bugging her!
Thank you!
I knew then to move on... And you will thank whatever GRACE presented you with this ...also.
look into (Dr) Richard Schulze. I think you will like him.
I have no connection with him--and am not trying to get you to buy products: I hope you will just choose to see what he teaches...or, just go straight to the Natural Healing forum here, and look into the messages.
Best, C