Re: What do you recommend that I could easily get?
I've been reading many people's experiences well before I started chelating. Even before I had my
Amalgams removed.
Many people do have different experiences. Some chelated successfully with ALA alone. Some say they didn't wait 3 months before using it; some felt worse, some better.
I know ALA puts mercury into as well as out of the brain. But I do think that with the chelating agents themselves pulling what they can grab out of the body, I will eventually have all the mercury gone over time. There's a finite amount in my body to begin with, after all, and while moving it around so that it can be chelated may be unpleasant, I'm still using small doses (10mg of ALA per capsule) of the product to get it out. In fact, while it recommends I increase my dosage to two capsules starting on the fourth day - which I'm now on - I chose not to do that and am still sticking with one capsule per day. Figure it can't hurt to do this as gently as I can.
Again, I'll be monitoring how I feel, and if I get worse in general, I'll stop using the product, switch to trying to remove only what's already within reach of the chelators, and wait before using the product again.