Slippery Elm Gruel Re: How bad is it if i slip on diet?
Hi jboy,
I don't know if this is something that you have tried or if it is suggested for you with your withdrawal from the Benzos, but slippery elm is an ingredient in the IF#2. I am not sure if you are taking IF#2 or just the IF#1.
I thought it may help/benefit you with your hunger issues.
By Dr.
Richard Schulze
Slippery Elm (Ulmus Fulva)
There are many great tasting vegan foods. I know that right now you are limited to what you eat. You asked the question if you are suppose to eat brown rice and vegetable juice for the rest of your life. The answer is NO! Right now you are working hard to get off benzos and nourish, restore and rebuild your health.
One day down the road... if you slip up and eat something from the animal kingdom, if won't be the end of the world, but right now it will be a set-back in your healing. I say that because I know the kind of peer-pressure you are feeling trying to get through this and having friends that can not relate to what you are doing and why. You just want to be out with friends and be 'normal'. The problem is... you can't live that lifestyle and heal. It is sooooo easy to fall into a pattern of too frequent 'slips' and then thinking 'I'll just take a IF#1'.
Be sure to have plenty of healthy food BEFORE you go out, so you will not be so tempted. I know that you are always hungry, so this is not much help... This is what made me think of the slippery elm gruel, but as I said before, I am not sure if this is something on your food program.
I hope you are soon free of this health destroying drug and once again healthy and HAPPY!
[FAQ] The Food Program