Hypothyroid here...candida...fibroids...polyps...
I'm using
Iodine to improve my immune system because of hypothyroidism. I have systemic candida (having a difficult time with memory), fibroids, polyps,
Amalgams which I am trying to get better before I have them taken out, and can't seem to raise my basal temperature. The candida and viruses are getting the best of me so I doubled the dosage recently.
I currently taking 16 drops of 2 percent iodine. I was taking Iodorol, 8 of the 12 mcg tablets but prefer the drops...it is Lugol's.
I'm also trying to alkalize but I also have gallstones, so that is not going so well either...
Yes, those are exactly the cysts that I have my each wrist...one is smaller, the other has gotten larger on the right and seems to be causing intermittent pain.
Regarding elimination problems, I am having problems with my kidneys but did a recent kidney flush and that helped. I'm sure it is from an overly congested liver...