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Re: Breast/Ovarian Pain
wombat Views: 3,210
Published: 14 y
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Re: Breast/Ovarian Pain

Yes, I knew, it would only be natural to want to feel better NOW.

As far as possibly waiting too long... I don't know how to ease your mind on that without sounding dismissive as to the risks of breast cancer.

oh, wait, I've got something. One of our posters, Kristen, had a mastectomy for DCIS(ductal carcinoma in situ) when she was quite young. BTW, DCIS is generally very very slow growing and may never need treatment at all. Chances are that she was very over-treated. She found iodine, eventually and in one of her "R" rated posts here she talks about getting a thermogram and there not being any "hot spots" in her remaining breast after starting iodine. Here's a link to her "R" posts:


Her posts are well worth reading as she provides detailed updates, the good & the "bad".

And. while I'm at it, here's more Iodine info for you:

I know I focus on the breast, that's because that was my issue.

You WILL get new breasts! That poster was not even supping Iodine for breast health, it was an unexpected benefit for her. She did not know that her breasts were not normal! ...

Long Island is the this post:


And also read the whole thread, it's a good one.

What does this mean? That you have to take extra-special care of yourself... which you are:)

BTW, have I suggested coffee enemas to you? They are the best, for "bad" detox.


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