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Re: Breast/Ovarian Pain
wombat Views: 3,327
Published: 14 y
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Re: Breast/Ovarian Pain

Believe it or not, pain can be a good thing. Many posters here have reported the same thing, myself included. The CZ search function is not perfect, but I searched "breast pain" within this forum and the search returned quite a few applicable results:


When I was dealing with my FBD, I experienced the same thing. Feelings of "electricity" , pain. It was temporary, always, and it came back. FBD can have many layers to it(mine did, anyway). It's not a smooth ride where your cysts just dissolve and disappear. Why the action of the Iodine manifests as pain, I don't know.

If you look just down the page here you will see that a poster has reported a "burning" feeling in the thyroid, another has reported tooth sensitivity. We've heard about throat pain here, thyroid pain, stomach pain, joint pain, breast pain, ovarian pain.

Stay the course and you will be rewarded with *new* breasts. They will completely change in texture and shape, you may lose a cup size. I did:)

Here's a good post, by "abcxyz":



I didn't start supping I for breast health. But wow. Are my girls ever happy!!!!

I can't believe how different they feel. It's like the tissue has been completely rebuilt. I can't remember when they last felt like this . . . the tissue is all smooth and soft and uniform. It's like the breast fairy stopped by one night when I was sleeping and left me two fresh little meringues!

There, that's probably TMI but I am too blown away and had to share!


This in about a month. I've worked up to 100 mg/day Iodoral split into two doses.


BTW, I do wonder why these problems seem to run in your family(not like there are many families immune these days). Do you live near industry of some sort? Seems like you and your sis have certainly been lambasted with xenoestrogens and/or you both have liver issues...?

Now, if she goes on tamoxifen and tells you how great she feels, are you going to be tempted to go that route?



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