Re: Naturopathy+EDIT
Thanks hanna for these wonderful posts from Andreas. I think I just fell into the hands of wrong ND who simply bombarded me with so many supplements, I was literally maintaining a excel sheet to track which supplement I took ( no kidding!). Well not all NDs are created equal. Some are more passionate/gifted/knowledgable than others. I fell prey to the wrong ND and ended up losing so much money.
I have been bombarding myself with so many pro-biotics hoping they will maintain the gut flora. Beleive me, nothing has worked so far. I have come to thinking all this is a hype now.
And it makes sense that a congested liver can cause constipation and bloating. And a good flow of bile will eradicate all these problems. So IBS is treatable. And I am determined and hopeful about treating it and getting my life back.
I think Andreas is a gifted Naturopath. If I had known abt him before, I would have gone with him rather than any other ND. I am hoping flushing will help me eventually.
I am debating about taking enemas (coffee enema?). I am really scared to take them. But maybe they are not so bad after all.