o/t~ gluten free for 2 1/2 weeks :) !!!
Changes noted~
~I've lost 7 lbs with no other changes besides excluding gluten.
~I had been getting "puffy", thanks to my husbands non-stop baking binge. puffy face(ok, only I could see it...I think). Lower abdominal distension, impossible to suck my stomach in. That's gone! :)
~digestion is much better. Without going into too much detail, lets just say that my eliminations did not feel "complete".
~sinus congestion gone. My sinuses were getting really dry as well & I had a completely dry spot in one nostril. That's gone and my mucus has thinned.
~ the BEST benefit is that I am absolutely pain-free! :) I am 51 and over the last few years(and especially recently) I have noticed generalized aches and pains, morning stiffness. It's disturbing and DEPRESSING. Is that an unavoidable part of aging? I was starting to think so....I don't any more. I FEEL FABULOUS!!!!
I have always felt better on a diet with minimal grains. Easier to maintain weight, better energy, etc. I have never, until this point, associated that with minimal or no GLUTEN. At this time, I am eating other grains, I've had rice, millet and oats and I'm feeling the same benefits as a grain free diet.
Excluding gluten is something I can live with, for sure. This is a permanent change for me.
A couple of gluten-free products I've tried are Trader Joe's brown rice pasta~ good, if it's hot. That pasta gets very strange when cold, I recall making a pasta salad with it a while back and it completely absorbed the vinegar and oil and turned VERY rubbery.
We've also tried Bob's Red Mill pizza crust mix. It's acceptable, does not compare to my husband's cracker crust and it's no fun. No tossing the dough in the air and stretching it, you have to "pat" this stuff into place. I think we made it too thick as well, we'll try making it thinner next time.
So... I will miss my husband's pizza crust. I can live with that, though:)
I highly recommend trying a gluten free diet, folks, just for a couple of weeks. See how you feel:)