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Re: Slightly OT: hair test results!
cougar Views: 2,485
Published: 14 y
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Re: Slightly OT: hair test results!

sometimes andy is hanging out at the yahoo group site and he will take a look at it for you. Someone who was posting here a few weeks back or so just got andy to look at their test last week ......

Deranged mineral transport it what the counting rules are an indicator for and once you know your mineral transport is probably deranged the levels of the elements in the hair test are not necessarily reflective of what your body burden is.

This is the brilliance of Andy's way of looking at the hair test and why so many ND's and the like have mislead their clients into thinking they were not mercury toxic.
They look at the hair test and say nope, your mercury is low you don't have a problem. But Andy has seen people with a mercury level as low as possible, and they are sick and they met one of the counting rules. They chelated for a year or so and redid the hair test, they didn't meet the counting rules anymore, they were feeling better, their hair is being more reflective of their body burden and their mercury is wicked high. Now you can trust the level of the mercury in hair test. They keep chelating and get the rest of the mercury out and they are doing much better.

So many people don't get this, which is such a shame.

And this is why mercury is such a bugger. You eat great and the minerals can't get into you cells.

So, I am no expert or reading the test and my Hair Test Interpretation book is not with me now so I can't say more. Some elements can be refective I think even if your mineral transport is deranged, I can't remember any of that though. So I can't tell oh yeah that arsenic is high or what not.....

anyway, good news, You have something to go after, and chelated properly, mercury poisoning can often be healed from from really well.



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