Re: +edit...Dosage correction and other thoughts...Re: Anti-anxiety and neuroprotective effects of ashwaghanda
Here is the link to the organic tincture made with organic grape alcohol that I found:
I adore you Uny and I respect what you believe and that you deeply believe that meat, eggs and dairy are bad for the human body. Unfortunately I disagree and I find myself having debates with you about it in my head every time that you bring it up to me. I'd like to ask, out of respect for me as a wise able to think and discern for myself human, to please stop suggesting that for me. Pretty please. The beliefs that people hold about food, that what works for their body works the same for everybody, feels almost religious to me. Many many very sick people have healed themselves eating eggs and meat and will continue to do so. There is more than one path the health.
Besides what I see happening in the world outside of myself, there is a reason that I feel like powdered herbs are more difficult for me to digest. I didn't just make this up because I thought it would be fun. I have a plan to go through each of the superfoods that I bought individually to see which ones I tollerate (because I don't tollerate them all together). It may be that only some of them make me belch. Anyhow, I gather it has to do with difficulty breaking down the cell wall of plants. I don't know for sure, but my just as wise and discerning brain as yours has learned from my own experience that most uncooked vegetables are difficult FOR ME right now. Please expect that there is some wisdom in what I discern for myself.
Again Uny, I am with such gratitude for all of the time and love that you've spent answering my questions. It feels damaging to me though to keep feeling pushed towards certain ideas that feel wrong for my body, expecially since I feel like I've explained my limitations to you several times. I feel a little alienated by it and then I fear that telling you that will alienate you because I recognize how strongly you believe what you are saying. It feels like trying to have an argument about whether God exists---impossible! Can we agree to disagree and move on please? I really would like that.
I'm asking you with deep respect and gratitude to work with me and within the confines of the limitations that I have instead of against me (them).