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Image Embedded Re: In response to the post above...for Joe & everyone --
josephr525 Views: 1,547
Published: 13 y
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Re: In response to the post above...for Joe & everyone --

Well, I appreciate your not banning me. We've been through a few stormy times, but do I think they're going to continue? No, I don't, and I think you'll be GLAD you didn't ban me someday soon. I'll prove it to you. I believe I can learn from that and move on, as friends. I believe I'm growing, getting wiser and more able to use my head, and that you've helped me to grow. I do seem to be healing, even if it isn't at the speed in which I hoped to heal at [see IF2 / HC problems below].

My ex boss however, is NOT imaginary in what he can control or do. Yes, he DID give me the flu, the worst I've ever had, and he's done it many times before over the last 23 years. He's able to get multiple inhalant pathogens into my home somehow, and I have tried hard to put a stop to it but wasn't able to figure it out. Unique but not imaginary. Trust me, there are people devoted to this type of thing. They may be few and far between, but they exist! He has done this for years, that's why he loves to know EVERYTHING I say or do, so he can be the judge and jury and "sentence" me with inhalants he feels are appropriate.. Trust me on it, and be glad someone like that isn't hovering over your head like a bumble bee.

IF2 @ 1 tsp 4+x daily with 20 mg of HC, is NOT going to work for me right now. I started to get worsening palpitations and fatigue and fall back into that same rut again last night. I have to quit IF2 again to let my HC levels get back to where I feel life is livable again, then I may try 1/2 tsp IF2 3-5x daily. The symptoms of low HC are not good ones! After an episode like that you don't even want to LOOK at IF2 again for a long time. Right now, my well being totally depends on a steady dose of HC. Before that Flu I got, I was dong OK on 10 mg of HC, but now I seem to need 15 to 20 mg of HC, and with IF2, I'd probably have to take 30 to 40 mg of HC daily, and I'm reluctant to do that. I don't know if I'm going to be able to do IF2 at all right now. I may have to focus on IF1, cayenne, superfood, vegan foods of course, garlic, CEs, etc., MT, herbs, and just wait until I get off HC. I don't know, but I hate to hit my head on the wall again anytime soon with IF2.

Since the CEs daily, I don't seem as manganese toxic any more, and I plan to keep up daily CEs, possibly for a year or two, or even longer.





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