Re: O/T ....Mercury Poisoning
Yes. This is all due to the extraction namely due to mercury. I know people with chronic
Depression due to their amalgams(mercury trapped in their brains).
I chelate the Hg in my body and sometimes after the end of chelation cycle I become depressed, aggressive and tearful(because some mercury is left in the brain due to improper chelation).
When I start to chelate again after 2 or 3 days the anxiety,
Depression and nervousness disappear the same day(mercury leave the brain and the oxidative stress is stopped). This makes awful mood swings.
I wrote you this to explain to you that it's quite possible your husband suffers due to released Hg vapor (now stored in brain). The brain has a higher affinity for mercury most than many other organs.
Read the section "Brain clearance of mercury":
Mercury is capable of making you as mad as hatter.
I don't doubt about your man.
The doctors can't offer you anything. The depressant will make things worse in long term.
The 3 month rule
Amalgam Illness, Cutler explains that if you are chelating after
Amalgams are removed, you should wait 3 months before using ALA. The reason for this is to allow the mercury in the blood to be excreted first. ALA slightly increases the permeability of the blood brain barrier to mercury, and using it right after acute exposure may cause some mercury to be deposited in the brain as the mercury concentrations move toward equilibrium. This equilibrium process is slow and ALA accelerates it.
The levels of brain neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, appear to be major factors in controlling moods, and appear to be affected by lifestyle, diet, philosophy, and environmental factors. Some are more susceptible to
Depression than others, and thus more affected by diet and environmental factors(580).
Chronic or acute brain inflammation appears to be a primary factor in depression. The brain is very sensitive to inflammation. Disturbances in metabolic networks: e.g., immuno-inflammatory processes, insulin-glucose homeostasis, adipokine synthesis and secretion, intra-cellular signaling cascades, and mitochondrial respiration have been shown to be major factors in depressive disorders and other chronic neurological conditions (592,593,598, etc.).
Inflammatory chemicals such as mercury, aluminum, and other toxic metals as well as other excitotoxins including
Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) and
Aspartame cause high levels of free radicals, lipid peroxidation, inflammatory cytokines, and oxidative stress in the brain and cardiovascular systems(13,594,596-599) Overexposure to heavy metals like lead, mercury, copper, and zinc have been shown to induce anxiety or depression (386a,586,493,494,593,594). Accumulation of mercury in the brain limbic system with resulting oxidative stress and inflammation has been found to commonly be a factor in depression(303).