Re: It can be pancreatitis! Go to doctor!
I would suggest that right after you nurse your son next, take a flushing dose of
Epsom Salts to really clean out your colon.Take one tablespoon of the ES in a glass of juice, wait 20 minutes, the drink at least 8
ounces of water an hour until your bowels loosen up. You may need to do an enema if there is an impaction. Once the colon is clean it might be easier to determine the source of pain. If there is a stone stuck in the common bile duct then medical intervention may be necessary. However if its a gallbladder attack combined with constipation than you may be able to self treat. Stick to a very bland diet. I know you need calories to produce milk, but try to stay away from spices, fried foods, cheese, anything that might trigger an attack. Try taking a tablespoon of olive oil three times a day.
If the pain does not abate, or you develop a fever, then listen to Spirit and see a doctor. I fully understand your desire to self heal, but sometimes medical intervention is necessary.