start taking Chlorella on a regular basis and you won't get plugged up.....gradually build up to 20 grams.......I go 1/2 hr after I eat on a regular basis, sometimes 4X a day due to the Chlorella. It will detoxify your system and give you vitamins and minerals to build you up. I really credit my not having problems with these flushes due to the fact I had been on Chlorella daily for the previous 7 mos and it killed my
parasites cleansed my bowel, colon, etc. Good Luck
Colonics are good but expensive. You can (but this will take time) do it yourself at home. Get a 5 gallon bucket from home depot, sterilize it, order the tubing and fill it with purified water......lay down in your bath tub and use a chlorox type cleaner afterwards.
Right now though, (might be quicker) to get some "Green Shakes" and drink them also take malic acid capsules.......perhaps in a couple of days it will flush it all out of you......malic acid capsules take time that's why they are recommended the week prior to your flush......make the green shakes with apple juice......I know the green shakes will get you "going".......
I'm sorry you're in so much pain.
If you can, "charge the colonic" they are about $80 each. If this is out of your reach then do some enema's with purified water, they sell enema kit's at walgreens (it's better than nothing right now) you just might need to do several to equal a 5 gallon bucket.