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HELP SEVERE PAIN ON LEFTSIDE!! I feel like I am dying!!!!
newmother Views: 4,760
Published: 19 y

HELP SEVERE PAIN ON LEFTSIDE!! I feel like I am dying!!!!

I have been going through this off and on for the past 2 days and it seems to be getting worse. I am feeling severe pain on my leftside which is similar pain to an attack however usually when I have an attack I can feel the organ spasum. Now it feels like a ache. It seems like its coming from my liver. Could a stone be stuck in my liver??? Is this what is causing the pain??? I have tried the Epsom Salts and milk thistle then the pain subsides but every time I eat again it starts back up. It doesn't matter what I eat. Could there be a blockage? I am really worried. What should I do?? I have a 6 month old who needs me and I feel like I am dying. Has anyone out there had pain on the left side before???? Any help would be much appreciate. Why would the pain keep coming back after I eat.


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