14 y
Re: It's A Spam Post & Belongs In Debate Forum
Dr. Christopher said that you will never get well until you change your diet. I believe that diet helps, ICU, but I now don't believe that herbs can kill
parasites completely. I have my Ivermectin/ABZ coming this week, will not be able to start it until May, though, because I'm moving right now.
However, I am trying to alkalinize my body, because the worms don't like an alkaline environment. I haven't been eating right, and I think that if I do get my pH level back right, the drugs will work better. Drugs can only do so much, and they can't work if our bodies are fighting them.
I just put some ichthammol on a large exit wound where yet another strongyloide (must've been an adult this time, the wound is so big) tore out of my skin. I surely hope the Iver/ABZ works, because the herbs just made them worse. Now they are ravaging my skin because the herbs drove them out of my body.