I guess you can understand that most people that are suffering this syndrome for long time, and are really sick , have had suicidal thoughts. I don't know if it is the same illness or if there is a point where life is to heavy to continue.! Anyway, I apologized for that post if you didn't read it. I have had days where I haven't wanted to be alive. I disagree with Michelle about her statament candida is easy to get cured. I AM NOT LOOKING FOR MANAGING IT ! Period. I think I have the right and aspiration to be cured. Yes, if you follow the diet and supplements, there will be a moment where you will feel better. I have done it 2 times , and I am tired of telling it in this board. You all will get better. I promise it to all you. The problem is you may want a "normal" life. I would like to go with my family and friends to any restaurant and drink some beers and eat what I want. Go to a party and eat sweet food, drink, and do what everybody do. My aspiration is to come back to a normal life. I am still alive and wish to enjoy my life. Tell Michelle that stop the diet and eat openly for two months. I would like to see what is going to happen ! She is not cured, she is managing it which I don't see bad but it doesn't mean a cure. People get better but are slaves of this diet and supplements for the rest of their life. At least, it is the information we can find in the web and most people experience.