The point here was not to discredit someone pain or suffering but not to be a victim of it. The girl was very real and so was her illness. I was very blessed with the opportunity to work in a position where I got to hear lot of stories like this all the time. Miracles do happen for people everyday and everywhere. I spoke with some people who had lost everything in their life, divorce, loss of career, loss of family, cancer. It really moved me that many of these people where still very positive and full of love for life and others. To them all the negative things that happened where just a bump in the road and they were ready to start anew. It thought me a great lesson in that we can make our own miracles and we are powerful beings in our own right. It changed me and changed my life. It inspired me to find the courage within to create my own life full of the dreams I wanted. I started smiling and laughing more. I started looking deeper within so that I could have more happiness around me. And it worked.