Supplements work and then dont work...
Hi everyone,
I was wondering if this happens to anyone.c
First supplements that I start like Licorice Root, Iodine, and even Selenium all seemed to help for a couple days. Better energy, less brain fog then after 3-4 days, nothing.
Same with Betaine HCL, better digestion and I didn't feel tired after eating for a few days, then back to TIRED after eating anything (I eat NO Diary, NO Gluten, NO Sugar.)
The same with the Adrenal Glandular (which I only took a few days and then stopped since it didn't seem to do much after and I read it wasn't good to take).
The amounts are:
Licorice Root - 450mg x 7-9pills
Iodine - 250mcg x8 = 2mg
Selenium - 200-400mcg/Day
Betaine HCL 500mg x2 BEFORE Each Meal.
Finally, I've taken Vitamin C (2-3000mg/day) and Pantethine (300-600mg/day) but neither have done much for energy, I just get sleepy after them.
I usually feel kinda refreshed after sleeping or napping 30min in the afternoon. Occasionally I still feel kinda tired.
Does anyone have any idea what this is all about? I could really use a hand...
Incase it helps...
My Symptoms:
- MENTAL fatigue and Bad Brain Fog (mostly after eating), BUT NOT much physical fatigue. (Feel like I'm sleep, yet my body could just keep going.)
- Sleep can be kinda refreshing or not very refreshing.
- Slightly anxious at times (NO Panic Attacks).
- Takes time to get to sleep, but I usually sleep 8 hours.
- Sometimes awake early.
- Naps increase a bit of energy.
- Have suddenly become more reliant on caffeine.
- Some Occasional Tingling - Less Then Before
- Tired IMMEDIATELY after eating anything.
- Salt/Sugar cravings
- Sometimes Freezing Hands
- Cold overall body temperature (Cold in warm rooms, Love Hot Showers..).
- Almost UNABLE to sweat during workouts.
- Very Low Libido
- Weightloss (though I know most of this is due to a
No Dairy/No Gluten/Almost no
Sugar or grain diet I have been eating for the past 2.5 years.)
- Lower ability to fight infection/frequent infections
(In this case a head-cold with yellow phlegm, eventually went away), I feel fine right now.
- Many supplements cause tiredness (Zinc, Probiotics...)
- Poor Digestion (Recently saw that I have low levels of many 'beneficial' bacteria
- Very rarely a slight headache, but that seems to have more to do with the type of supplements I took that day.
NO Fever, No Sore Throat, NO Swollen Glands, No Muscle Pain.