+Edit by Uny...Tinctures VS. Capsules VS? Teas? Re: Pancreas Formula -- Tincture or Capsules Re: Formula prep? (Water is a coooool kat!) Re: PANCREAS PANACEA Dr. John R. Christopher Re: Pancreas question Re: Castor oil pack. Re: Some suggestions...Re: Awake every hour on the hour--- rotten bel...
+Edit by Uny...Tinctures VS. Capsules VS? Teas? Re: Pancreas Formula -- Tincture or Capsules Re: Formula prep? (Water is a coooool kat!) Re: PANCREAS PANACEA Dr. John R. Christopher Re: Pancreas question Re: Castor oil pack. Re: Some suggestions...Re: Awake every hour on the hour--- rotten bel...
I just edited the line below (in the post above) to reflect this:
The most effective, most assimilated form of herbs is a tincture or very strong tea. EDIT - a strong tea is effective ONLY if all the plant constituents can come out into the water...and with many plants, water isn't 'strong enough' to do this.
The most effective, most assimilated form of herbs is a tincture or very strong tea. The very LEAST assimilated and effective way to ingest herbs is encapsulized.