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Re: Some suggestions...Re: Awake every hour on the hour--- rotten belching!
unyquity Views: 4,326
Published: 14 y
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Re: Some suggestions...Re: Awake every hour on the hour--- rotten belching!

As far as the papaya, I'd assume fresh fruit...but dried papaya flesh is loaded with goodness.

Your reaction is far more consistent with what I refer to as a 'food reaction' than with the various reasons that IF#1 can create gas...but I'm thinking it might be combination thing. These ' food reactions ' are something I've seen (and helped folks through and over) by focusing on the liver, sidelight on the adrenals. But these types of reactions are typically relatively short lived (say a few hours at most). There are quite a few things this could be (other than 'typical reasons)...more on that to come.

There's not a whole lot that's more stressful than wanting/needing to do something; be legitimately worried/concerned that what you're going to do is going to cause a reaction accompanied by discomfort; have that reaction start to happen, and then continue to react 'as expected, but hoped/prayed not'. Even when this is something that is 100% physical, the stress & worry (coupled with the wanting/needing) makes for a huge 'negative hit' throughout our triunity. Fear is the polar opposite of healing & victory...and while I TOTALLY understand (as much as I do/can) why you'd have an underlying fear, I'm also totally psyched about the EFT for you. Because I just know that some level of these reactions will be relieved by having a strong "go to" that will give you a measure of relief...and EFT always does that. It's definitely a strong "Goodness Plus"!

Beth, I know how hard you're trying, how sincere you are, and how much you desire & deserve for 'good things' to happen (or just once, for something to NOT happen!)...and I applaud your courage and tenacity.

Yes, ginger 'root' :::grin::: is a great herb for gas/burping, but the others have different actions (particularly the Celery & fennel seeds and the wild yam). Of course, the charcoal will adsorb the gas and is sometimes a total miracle. (btw, did you know that there are certain birds & monkeys that naturally eat toxic foods as part of their diet, then they scurry off to 'human camps' to find charcoal in the campfires to eat to adsorb the toxins? I think that's so cool :)

I'm gonna do my best to help you get this all figured out - I promise. And we WILL find the answers and get your life & health back! In the meantime, 'hit the books' on the EFT so you'll have that tool to use for chipping away at the puzzle and getting a measure of relief...and I'll have you a lot of good information for consideration soon.




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