of course RyanD's right. there's a whole bunch of people fed up with Hv's crap. me being one of them. enough is enough. I've never seen anybody in my life so in vain, yet so rude like that character. it is still hard for this individual to accept the whipping Moreless gave him. this is why he's always trolling when someone mentions lime water.
mind you Moreless has a mile long list of testimonials accredited to his name, and lime water being huge part of it. Hv on the other hand has a same bunch of people renting every day on his ridiculous forum ( social club ) about what to use next to heal themselves. bitters silica, silica bitters, bla bla bla, but nobody came forth claiming a successful healing yet.
Hv was warned numerous times that he's in TOS violation writing comments like such on a support forum.