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Totally Bizarre, even after getting letters from people I used to work with describing the odour, my doctor still won't take it seriously. WHY?
Shattered Soul Views: 2,140
Published: 14 y

Totally Bizarre, even after getting letters from people I used to work with describing the odour, my doctor still won't take it seriously. WHY?

I emailed some of my past co-workers and asked them to provide me with letters describing the odour so I can show my doctor. I think a lot of them were too embarassed to even respond, I got some really negative responses from some of them that hurt a lot, but I was able to get two letters describing in detail the odour I was emitting when I worked with them. But the crazy thing is now even after taking those letters to my doctor and showing it to him he still won't take this seriously.

It's so bizarre I feel like I'm going to lose my sanity over this. I have a medical problem that is making life much harder than it should be but it is impossible to get help with it. I really don't know what to do about it.

I tried explaining to my doctor that anxiety and nervousness triggers the odour and I don't smell bad all the time, but even after showing him these two letters he still thinks I'm crazy.

I'm just wondering what will take? Has anyone gotten a doctor to take this seriously and how did you have to explain things to the doctor in order for them to understand. I'm in a really bad emotional state right now and really feel I need medical help to help solve this but it's extremely bizarre how doctors won't take any of this seriously even after giving one of them letters from other people explaining how bad the odour problem can be at times.

I first saw a doctor about this years ago and I think he may have put on my medical records that I'm crazy or just imagining it. That may be a major obstactle to getting help but has anyone here had positive results from getting help through a doctor? I don't feel like I can do this alone anymore.

Also, I tried getting counseling for this and the counselor just said you're just depressed and probably just imagine the odour to be much worse than it actually is. This is so bizarre, why would I imagine myself to have BO issues?


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