Re: Your diet - post water fast, cravings/triggers and willpower
I fasted mostly to lose weight and cure/help some other health issues. So far doing good on the weight side of things.
Went from 260 to 217 lowest gained back to 227 highest after week or so refeed. Now at 221 and this is week six post fast.
I changed fair bit post fast. I dont eat breakfast and if do have breakfast type meal its brunch. So still only really eat twice a day max. I sometimes don't bother with lunch either. Mostly eating when hungry. I also do formal EAT STOP EAT fasting 24 hours twice a week. They have website.
I try to have healthy snacks these days, apple, orange, zero fat yogurt, or low calorie yogurt popsicle.
I try not to be snacking and eating all the time and pretty good about that.I did'nt go raw or vegan or any of that stuff. I eat plenty of meat ,beef,pork,chicken,lobster, shrimp not much into fish.
I eat some carbs and occasionally will eat something not considered the best for me. That can mean a piece of pie, chocolate bar,whatever. If you move something to the forbidden list you generally build terrible cravings for it.Best to just give in once in awhile.
Most days try to eat healthy stuff and since fast eat more various things even some things that didn't really like before like brocoli,etc.
Besides diet changes if one of your main goals on fasting was to keep the weight off then exercise is key as well. I do aerobic type on treadmill or bike 5x week and weights 3x week on my bowflex.
I might have different ideas than some on this section.
I believe man is naturally an omnivore and no reason to give up meat.I also don't totally buy the hype/arguments about artificial sweetners or even white flour ,white sugar,etc. Father is 94 years old and ate tons of meat,even smoked type like corned beef, salami,etc and tons of my moms cooking/baking with white flour /sugar,etc.
I have seen many vegetarians in way worse shape then him at much lower ages.
I think raw might be good way to lose more weight and keep it off but for me going maybe 80/20 raw to cooked might be doable for awhile.Couldn't go 100% raw and already said not into veganism at all.
I think there is some merit to Warrior Diet type of eating. Eat mostly one big meal at night and very light meals or none during the day.