sorry to jump in again--but maybe all caps can go...:-)
please note: I just scanned your last post for the gist of it.
In the past, there was Chris B who would takes hours upon hours to repeat the same advice, and post the same links, and suggest the same foundational reading on ****what constitutes a water fast and why and how it works****, (please search the links on this forum) in order that prospective water feasters (lol) understand what they were embarking on, (and how changing it alters all the good, and constitutes a form of starvation. This is NOT healthy, and this ( and such) practice(s) has (have) a way of destroying the good. One almost begins to think 'allopathic troll'. This is the effect of insisting on infiltrating (persisting with) a ("boring")forum whose mandate is clear, and then giving/espousing bad advice.
Look at the results. People who quickly "lose" their fasts...who feel worse than before, who distrust nature...
who hate themselves...
These issues are all too big for a forum where some are posting saying "sure, go ahead! whatever! As long as you take in 0 calories! This is not compassionate--but reeks of hatefulness, whatever its guise.
It's not enough to encourage others to ask anyone who passes for their opinion! This is not a chat room--so, if one finds it boring, you know what to do.
"Water + Aspartame is still mostly a water fast," (to quote you) is mindless horse manure, to be blunt. ( You may be quite intelligent, but this KIND of statement is a waste of time, incendiary, and nonsense.)
"mostly" is not what this forum is. That's the fact of it. This has nothing to do with "you" or your ideas, and whether they are 'liked' or not.
If you don't like it, this forum) start another! Please!
There are enough folks who object to the 'olde ways' that there should be a real party just waiting to happen. What's lacking? What's stopping the fun? Someone who does more than complain or wish to change this forum, when some other person wants to clarify its mandate.("me")
Go elsewhere, and there is no one left to fight or be held down by. It's that simple. :-) I respect what has come before me ( and is proven) enough that I care about the truth. That's really ALL I care about these days. This forum may live or die, but the truth will survive. I would hope to save the forum for those who might come along and be serious and prepared to drop the BS and crap.
The "new age" is the age of self-responsibility! We should celebrate this. But it takes some self-study. It takes some self-discernment--and this comes AFTER the study--not after the message boards, as they are called.
(personally, I think a lot of folks were funneled here this year off some message boards somewhere on weight loss--the kind of places where people want to keep eating crap, and are fixated on calories. This behavior has NOTHING to do with the water fast. And though plenty of people may struggle initially with weight and such concerns as eating crap (google Mouse click, to see a change in thinking), almost everyone who gives the WF a serious try with respect for the past has a good experience!
Short of that study etc., (and one would then grasp where aspartame fits, and be thus liberated from a lot of suffering!), I am compelled to repost this---
"Modified Fasts or anything other than this, belongs either in the General Fasting, Fasting Debate, Juice Fasting, or Fasting For Weight loss Forums. Thank you."
best, C
yes. admittedly, I do get tired of the SAD (diet and determined mindset) BS. This is the water only fasting forum. It's simple! Don't like it, start another.
that's simple.